
  • asmuddin


panjang tungkai, lompat jauh


Aim of this research was to determine the long jump ability correlated with leg length at the students of Physical education UHO. Population in this research were all the students of Physical education in academic year 2022 with a total of 183 people consist of 119 boys and 64 girls. Sample is part of the number and characteristics of the population. Sampling in this research was taken based on total number of boys, namely 119/100 x 25 = 30 people. Instrument used to measure of leg length is to taken in measurements start from the upper thigh bone joint until foot touches the floor. Meanwhile, the instrument used to determine of long jump ability is to carry out a long jump test. Results obtained from hypothesis testing shows that long jump ability is correlated with leg length, where the correlation coefficient (rxy) = 0.72 > rtable ɑ (0.05: 30 = 0.361). The research can be concluded that a significant correlation was found between long jump ability which was correlated with leg length at the students of Physical education in academic year 2022.


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