
  • Anggi Sahrian Program Studi Pendidikan Olahraga Dan Kesehatan, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Kalimantan Selatan
  • Akhmad Amirudin Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
  • Perdinanto Universitas Lambung Mangkurat


Aerobics Track, Field Athlete


This research was aimed at determining the level of aerobic endurance of South Kalimantan NPC running and jumping athletes because when carrying out training programs and competitions, researchers saw that the athletes' endurance was still not optimal. Therefore, researchers wanted to research this research. This research uses a descriptive and quantitative research approach. The sample population consisted of 6 people. The sampling technique uses the entire sample, total sampling. The entire sample population of athletes is 6 people. Data were collected using a 2400 meter test run instrument (copper). The data analysis technique used is a quantitative instrument, a measuring tool by knowing the athlete's test results. The results of the study showed that there was 1 person who was classified as very good and well trained with a time of <9.04 and there were 3 people in the good category, one man with a time of <11.05 and two women with a time of <14.05 and <15. .05 and in the good category there were two men with times <12.28 and <12.29. The conclusion of this research is that the endurance of South Kalimantan NPC athletic athletes is still in the medium category


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How to Cite

Sahrian, A., Amirudin, A., & Perdinanto, P. (2024). TINGKAT DAYA TAHAN AEROBIK ATLET ATLETIK LARI DAN LOMPAT NPC KALSEL. JOKER (Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan), 5(2), 219–224. Retrieved from http://joker.uho.ac.id/index.php/journal/article/view/228