Survey of Community Interest and Motivation in Participating in Aerobics in Tambakroto Village


  • Helmi Fatinabila UMPP
  • Gilang Nuari Panggraita
  • Jamludin Yusuf
  • Idah Tresnowati


Interest, Motivation, Aerobikc Exericise


This research aims to determine the interest and motivation of people who take part in aerobic exercise in Tambakroto Village in 2024. The research method used is quantitative descriptive, with a sampling technique using total sampling. The population included in this research are people who take part in gymnastics in Tambakroto Village. Data collection in this research used survey techniques with research instruments using questionnaires to obtain data. The revised questionnaire contains 30 statement questions with 20 interest statements and 10 motivation statements. The results of this research from the interest factor showed that 93.0% of respondents had a high interest in gymnastics, while 6.9% were respondents who had a fairly high or average interest in gymnastics. Meanwhile, for motivation, it was found that 90.6% had high motivation and 20.9% found that they had quite high motivation. From the description of the results obtained above, the researcher concludes that the people who take part in gymnastics in Tambakroto Village have high interest and motivation in gymnastics.


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How to Cite

Helmi Fatinabila, Gilang Nuari Panggraita, Jamludin Yusuf, & Idah Tresnowati. (2024). Survey of Community Interest and Motivation in Participating in Aerobics in Tambakroto Village. JOKER (Jurnal Ilmu Keolahragaan), 5(2), 254–263. Retrieved from